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Translation of ECF summary of WG1 AR5 for Businesses

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Olivier Guy, Arnaud Baëhr


The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the most up-to-date, comprehensive and relevant analysis of our changing climate.

The European Climate Foundation (ECF) prepared two documents: one explaining what is the IPCC, and the other synthesizing the Summary for Policymakers of WG1. These documents synthesize the most relevant findings of AR5 for specific economic and business sectors. The idea is that businesses could make more use of AR5, which is long and highly technical, if it were distilled into accurate, accessible, timely, relevant and readable summaries.


These documents exist only in English. The objective of this mission is to translate the two documents into French so that ECF can promote them at the COP19 in Warsaw.


Translation of the 2 reports in French


31 octobre

Valorisation of delivrable

Promotion of the deliverables at the COP19.


Summary for Policymakers

Résumé à l'attention des décideurs

Climate Change: Action, trends, implications for business - ECF